On these prolonged tests I will occasionally doze off and can get distracted. I went to a physician and she said it was one of the worst cases she has ever seen. She gave me medication, but it doesn't really help me. My counselor I feel isn't much help and I feel she laughed it off. Is it possible to get accommodations for severe ADHD like mine? I saw something on it on the registration and have heard of it.
Yes, it is possible to get testing accommodations on the SAT (including getting permission to take extra or extended breaks during testing). You can request accommodations either through your school or by yourself (using a paper application). Because going through your school is the most effective/efficient way to get testing accommodations, I would recommend getting documentation from your physician (who prescribed you the medication) and meeting with your schools's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) coordinator. If you're not sure who that is, you may need to ask someone at the guidance counselor's office with whom you should speak.
Be sure to request accommodations as far in advance of your test date as possible, since getting accommodations can take up to 7 weeks to process.