Hi ,
My name is Sunil and I will be a sophomore in 2017 Fall. My high school offers AP courses across all subjects in Languages, Social Studies, Arts, Sciences and Math. My passion is towards Math and Science and hence planning on taking APs in those areas. Followinf are the APs I intend to take:
Sophomore: AP Biology Physics (But I intend to prepare for AP Physics 1 and 2)
AP Calculus BC AP Chemistry AP Computer Science AP Music Theory (Strong interest in Music)
AP Physics(calc based) AP Statistics Multivariable Calculus AP Environmental Science
My Extracurriculars:
Wind Ensemble all 4 years at school Prestigious local orchestra - 3 years Track and Field all 4 years
As you can see, I dont intend to take APs in social studies or languages. Is this going to hurt my chances getting into top schools and Ivies ? I hear that they want well rounded students taking APs across all subjects. But I want to focus on my music as well.
I'm a strong students with A grades in my freshman year and I think I can maintain my GPA. I think this course selection will keep me balanced and enjoying my high school.
Will the top colleges view me as someone NOT challenging self and hurt my chances due to the focus in math and science ?
Thanks, Sunil