Not a native English, need tips and tricks

Hey there. I am from Romania, a small country in South East Europe. I am not a native english. I workwd an 2001’s SAT model and I took 740 of 1600. I know it is poor. Is there anything I can do to improve my score?
I have to say that I didn’t study for this, I’m not really good at English but working to improve my English and I want to study in US. I did better in Math than EBRW and it’s confusing, because I’m bad at Math. I took the score of 400, which is poor and having pretty much careless mistakes.
I’m a lonely learner and known as an wormbook at school and I don’t miss any opportunity to learn something new. I discover this website in the other day and I started reading advices and planning to working and improving the weak parts.
I’m sorry if I have any grammar mistakes.
Thank you for the answers and I’m not mad if I wouldn’t have an answer. All the best to everyone!

Hello! I have a few pieces of advice:

  1. The SAT has changed a lot since 2001, it’s better to practice with more recent test. In fact, the SAT just changed this year to be the Digital SAT. So I recommend you try one practice test here: Digital SAT Practice and Preparation – SAT Suite | College Board
  2. It’s great that you’re a bookworm and like learning new things, the best thing to do would be to identify your weakest areas in each subject and make a plan to study those type of questions. Here’s a whole article on doing that: How to Study for the SAT
  3. Keep practicing your English by reading books you enjoy. Even if it’s below your level in Romanian, it’s great practice! Plus, you’ll only see examples of good grammar (unlike on most places on the internet, though conversations are helpful in their own way as well). Personally, I’d stick to contemporary books, maybe even ones that have movies so you can watch the movie after. You don’t have to understand every word, it’s better to learn via context clues than spend hours looking up too many words (oof course you can look up words if you really want).
  4. Also, if you’re taking the SAT to study at an American university, see what the score requirements are. You’ll also probably have to take the TOEFL exam to prove your level of English, though not all schools require it.

Good luck!

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